Tuesday, June 23, 2015

From the beginning

Okay, well in order for you guys to find my blog helpful, you guys need to know about where I come from. So here is a little background...

I am 26 year old Latino male, I graduated from the University of Nebraska-Omaha in 2013. I received a B.A. in Foreign Language and Lit and a B.S. in Biology with a chemistry and Latino/Chicano studies minor. I graduated with a 3.52cGPA and a 3.42 sGPA, upon graduation, I started working in a community health centers in Omaha,NE-OneWorld. I am a case manager for our diabetic population as well as the healthy families coordinator which is a childhood obesity prevention program for our Spanish speaking families. Omaha is a very diverse, yet segregated community. We have a large latino population concentrated in south Omaha so our demand for bilinguals in the health care field is high!

I took the MCAT twice!!! Yes, twice! and to be honest with you I did not do that well. My first MCAT was in June 2014 and my score was a ........23... Yup! Michael Jordan's # although for score purposes, I must say it is a not so hot number! My second and last MCAT was in Jan 2015 and I scored a pretty significant number as it is the number of years I have been alive aka 26. The breakdown is as follows: June 2014   7/6/10   &   Jan 2015   7/8/11.

I know that my stats are not impressive at all, especially if you compare me to a traditional pre-med student but then again I am not your traditional premed student. My grandma brought me to the USA in 2000 when I was only 12 years old, I took ESL classes up until my sophomore year in high school. My high school did not prepared me for college because that was not their plan, their plan was for me to be able to read/speak English which was accomplished! I enrolled in college in 2006 and yes, it took me 7 years to finished! It took me that long not because I failed out of classes but because I had nobody to guide me through college courses so I ended up taking many classes that were unnecessary for the pre-medical track. I was also paying my way through college and almost dropped out because I was unemployed at one point and I was having major financial issues since I had been sustaining myself since I was 16 and did not have money for rent. Luckily, I applied to a few private scholarships and got them! :)

I am also a DREAMER and a beneficiary of DACA which was was made possible by President Obama! Needless to say, it has turned my life a whole 180 degrees (I have heard people say a whole 360 degrees but that would put you back to where you started so don't make that mistake!). I went from working as a dishwasher, construction worker, cook to what I do now-community health worker. If it wasn't for DACA I would of have never been given the opportunity to work at OneWorld Community Health Centers and I would of never met the incredible people and physicians who work here.

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