Tuesday, June 23, 2015

About this blog

Hello all,

I would like to share my journey to medical school with any pre-medical student that may find it helpful or with those students working the grave yard shift that like to pass the time by reading blogs at 3 in the morning (I was there and it definitely made time go by faster!) . As a pre-medical student, I always enjoyed reading the blogs of other fellow students that had gone through the same vicious cycle--MCAT, Applications, Interviews, etc-- but then was the reward- medical school acceptance letters.......or rejections.

First of all, I am not a blogger--I am a reader so I am sorry but I do not have the ability to paint a colorful and pretty picture with my written expressions. I am only sharing my experience as I found it very helpful so I am returning the favor for the generations to come.

I hope that everyone that reads my journey finds it helpful in some way, shape or form and please do not hesitate to ask me questions. I am always happy to help!

Disclaimer: This blog is only a reflection of my personal experience and should not be taken as direct advice.

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